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Truth, Lies & Beliefs

  • Truth: that which accords with fact or reality. 

  • Lie: that which is untrue, not factual or actually real.

  • Belief: something which one accepts as true, fact or real.

The above definitions of truth, lies and beliefs may seem obvious, however, it can be refreshing to familiarize yourself with the distinctions between what a truth, a lie and a belief actually are. The unfortunate reality is every single person does not believe every single thing that is true. There are some things we believe in our life right now that are lies. What lies are you believing? What lies need to be broken in your life? What lies are preventing you from experiencing life the way it was meant to be lived? A life lived in a way that accords with truth, fact or reality and thus brings you freedom, joy and abundance.

Below are the lies that I used to (past) believe followed by the corresponding truth I now (present) believe. I call this an epiphany, revelation or insight. Insight is a gift revealed to you and I like to refer to it as a weapon or tool. With God's help I am surrendering my life each day to walk in what is true and believe in all of the truth about my identity, God's identity and the world I live in. I pray for eyes to see clearly to distinguish truth from lies and then to have the courage to walk in the truth one day at a time.

You've probably heard before the words Jesus said in John 8:31 that: "...the truth will set you free". The truth, therefore can be wielded as a weapon to set you free from any lie that binds you! You simply must muster the courage to believe in what is true, despite the avalanche of a continual lie or lies that you have heard and may have believed. You may have once believed a lie, but today is new day and you have a choice to believe what is true! One step at a time walking in the truth and you will be and are free. So mount up your arsenal of weapons, forge them in the fire of your soul and be set free!


  • Lie: talking about past painful memories is a waste of energy and time, therefore suppression and escapism are my only options to get away from and handle my past pain.

  • Truth: verbally expressing (talking) about past painful memories (with a safe person) can be an effective way of healing yourself and releasing negative emotions about your past. You are not doomed to manage your pain by suppressing it or escaping its painful negative emotions through self-medicating behaviors. Freedom from your pain is possible.


  • Lie: physical eyesight is the only way to see the world and what is actually true.

  • Truth: our eyes can and many times do blind us to what is actually true. It's not until we close our eyes that we can truly see. The power of prayer and meditation will reveal this. 


  • Lie: I am loser and a failure.

  • Truth: I am not a loser or failure. I may have lost and failed at things in life, but those specific actions of defeat do not define me. An ancient Roman Senator Gaius Cassius Longinus once said: "In great attempts it is glorious even to fail." And the world's most famous martial artist Bruce Lee said: "Defeat is a state of the mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality. To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to exert greater effort to achieve my goal."


  • Lie: I am not capable of accomplishing my goals and dreams.

  • Truth: I am capable of accomplishing anything I put my mind to. The only limits of ability and capacity that I have toward a goal or dream is the limit that I place on myself. What do I want to accomplish? Choose and believe it is possible, because it is possible! At the heart of the matter, the real question I should be asking myself is: "Am I willing to put in the time, sacrifice and perseverance to reach my goal and dream?"


  • Lie: I am my body, my mind and my heart. My physical sensations, thoughts and feelings define me.

  • Truth: I am not my body, my mind or my heart. I am a steward of my body for a certain time until it's physical death. My mind has thoughts that I can choose to dwell upon or surrender. My heart has feelings that I can choose to suppress, escape or express and surrender. My spirit has a "will" with desires that I can consciously choose to opt into anything within my body (sensations), my mind (thoughts), my heart (feelings). My identity is found in who God says I am and what I actually choose (with my spirit, which is of my will) to do.

...more Weapons are on the way, so hold strong and stay the course in your Righteous Reckoning! What are some of your Weapons & Tools?


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